
World map made of rocks on lawn Photo: Martin Barraud/OJO Images/Getty Images

As a modern European university, the FernUniversität in Hagen sees internationalization as a quality feature for all its areas of activity – whether this takes the form of academic study, teaching, research, or administration. Open-mindedness, a willingness to understand other cultures and respectful interaction are a fundamental prerequisite for this.

Internationalization has been firmly anchored as a key objective for the university through the establishment of the office of the Vice-President for Continuing Education, Knowledge Transfer, and International Affairs. Organizationally, it represents a task that must be implemented jointly by all departments of the university.

The team at the International Office is on hand to advise and support all university students and staff with their internationalization projects.


Information for:

  • Photo: Tobin/DigitalVision/GettyImages

    Students and Prospective Students

    Would you like to gain international experience in distance learning?

  • Photo: Helen Cortez/EyeEm/GettyImages

    Doctoral Students

    Would you like to gain experience abroad during your doctorate and/or improve your foreign language skills?

  • Photo: Yagi Studio/DigitalVision/GettyImages

    Teaching Staff

    Would you like to integrate international components into your teaching? Would you like to teach together with international colleagues and/or go abroad yourself?

  • Photo: nullplus/iStock/GettyImages


    Would you like to conduct research together with international colleagues? Are you looking for international funding programs?

  • Photo: ThomasVogel/iStock/GettyImages


    Would you like to gain experience abroad and/or improve your foreign language skills?


Upcoming Events

Online: MCE Empowering Seminar on 16 February 2024, 11 a.m.–4 p.m.

On 16 February 2024, the Empowering Seminar/discussion forum titled Micro-Credentials: Integration, Recognition/Accreditation, Digital Certificates will be held in cooperation with the EADTU and the AI Campus 2.0 project of the FernUniversität in Hagen.

Find out more

The FernUni’s two research pillars in the field of micro-credentials, the MCE project and the AI campus 2.0 project, are harnessing synergies by hosting an Empowering Seminar.

The seminar, facilitated by the EADTU, will offer participants – both FernUni staff and international experts – a chance to look at the opportunities and challenges of integrating study offerings from external institutions into the academic curriculum.

The event will address the urgent and delicate issues of integration, recognition, and accreditation of micro-credentials, as well as questions of recognizing short learning program certificates and receiving credits for certificates achieved through learning outside the university. And last but not least, there will be a discussion about digital certificates.

The seminar will take place online. You can find the agenda below.

Agenda (PDF 2 MB)
More information (PDF 177 KB)

Contact for registration and questions: Dr. Mirna Zeman

Upcoming: International Stammtisch on Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Find out more

All are welcome:
Our next International Stammtisch will be taking place as an International Lunch at 12 noon at the FernUni dining hall – Get in touch with fellow colleagues!

Latest Stories

  • Photo: Rahel Hutgens

    FernUni Delegation Visits Costa Rica

    Vice-President Uwe Elsholz and Rahel Hutgens traveled to Costa Rica to participate in the ICDE conference and renew cooperation with UNED.


  • Photo: FernUniversität

    Global together: International Day on 26.10.2023

    Vice-President Uwe Elsholz and the Head of Administration, Birgit Rimpo-Repp open the event "Together globally – opportunities for internationalization for colleagues"


  • Photo: FernUniversität

    FernUni strengthens cooperation with OUC Cyprus

    At the end of September 2023, the FernUniversität received a visit from Cyprus to strengthen the relationship between the two institutions through a Memorandum of Understanding.


  • Photo: FernUniversität

    Erasmus+ Staff Week at the FernUniversität

    Eleven employees from various European (distance-learning) universities spent an enjoyable week with us on campus in Hagen.


  • Photo: FernUniversität

    New MoU with the University of Namibia

    Members of the management of the FernUniversität in Hagen and the University of Namibia met in Windhoek to sign a new memorandum of understanding (MoU).


  • Photo: FernUniversität

    We Can Help

    Advise, support, translate: The FernUni International Office presented itself at this year’s International Day to let people know about the many services it provides.


  • Image: FernUniversität

    studyBRIDGE – Your Bridge to Studying in Germany

    An online program offered by the FernUniversität in Hagen to prepare Ukrainian students to study in Germany.


What Does the International Office Actually Do?

Organizational diagram of the International Office
The International Office deals with the strategic orientation of the FernUniversität's internationalization efforts and also provides advice and support for various projects, such as stays abroad.

Description of the organization chart

The graphic represents a circle that is divided into three areas. In the middle is the logo of the FernUniversität.

The following areas are distinguished by color:

  1. Strategy
  2. Service & Support
  3. Mobility

1. Strategy

  • Strategic internal and external internationalization
  • Representation in international networks
  • Expansion and maintenance of the partnership network

2. Service & Support

  • Support for teaching staff in the internationalization of the curriculum
  • Advice on international funding opportunities (e.g., DAAD, Erasmus+, etc.)
  • Welcome Service
  • English proofreading and translation service

3. Mobility

  • Advice on international mobility for university staff
  • Administration of funding programs (e.g., Erasmus+, STIBET, etc.)
  • Organization of and advice on Staff Weeks, job shadowing, etc.

Do you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions about internationalization at the FernUniversität in Hagen? Feel free to get in touch with us.

Contact details for the International Office

Internationalization Fund

Map of the world with bank notes scattered around the edges Photo: Christine_Roy/unsplash

With the Internationalization Fund, we would like to create an incentive to support innovative projects with international partners and thus boost the internationalization of the FernUniversität in a targeted manner.

Read more

Useful Information

International Guests

Welcome sign Photo: clu/iStock/GettyImages

Welcome to the FernUniversität in Hagen! Find the most important information for your stay.

Virtual Mobility

Network depicted with string and nails Photo: Lerttanapunyaporn/EyeEm/GettyImages

Innovative and international digital projects at the FernUniversität.

Internationalization in Action

Hands holding puzzle pieces Photo: nullplus/iStock/GettyImages

Get a glimpse of the diverse international cooperations, activities, and events at the FernUniversität.

International Office

Question mark on a chalkboard Photo: CGinspiration/E+/GettyImages

Your point of contact for questions or assistance with international affairs at the FernUniversität.

International Office | 28.05.2024